Gastroenterology is a young branch of medicine, and also one of the fastest growing. Gastrointestinal symptoms are varied and present across the general population regardless of age or ethnicity. The digestive system encompasses many organs and a vast range of presentations, which has resulted in increasing numbers of referrals to the service. At the same time the speciality has demonstrated ability to adapt and evolve with times. More than ever the challenges posed to the delivery of medical services in the past year have shown us that flexibility and innovation are essential features to any medical specialty.
This online symposium shifts the attention back to the patient to once again show how Gastroenterology can re-shape around the needs of this constantly changing world.
The morning programme focuses on patients’ groups often overlooked in clinical medicine, and aims to propose strategies, driven by experience, to improve patients’ journey and outcomes. With the same intent, the following lectures are centred on the lessons learnt from the recent challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and their legacy for the future of care delivery.
The afternoon session centres on innovation and how Gastroenterology is embracing this both in introducing novel technologies and in modernising care delivering appropriate to an aging population. Special attention is placed on artificial intelligence and its applications, colon capsule experience and gastroenterology in the elderly.
This symposium showcases an innovative and well-balanced programme. It provides a different perspective to the delivery of care ensuring that the individual is at the centre of our choices as health care professionals. It is relevant to both primary and secondary care physicians, but also to all other allied care professionals who contribute invaluably to patient care in Gastroenterology.
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This online event allows the opportunity for delegates to watch the presentations live, or at their convenience for up to 28 days following the original broadcast. Delegates can continue to register for on-demand access only after the live event has taken place. Please note that access closes 28 days after the original broadcast, not after the point of booking.
Dr Francesca Moroni
Chair, Organising Committee