Symposium live webstream to Manchester
This site is for those interested in attending the symposium via live webstream in Manchester
Venue: The Studio, The Hive, 51 Lever Street, Manchester, M1 1FN
Thursday 28 November 2019
Registration and Coffee
Welcome and introduction
by Professor Derek Bell OBE, President, Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
Session 1 - Working as a team: trainers, trainees and patients
Chair: Dr Dan Beckett, Consultant in Acute Medicine, Forth Valley Royal Hospital & Society of Acute Medicine Scotland Lead
Shared decision making
Dr Caroline Whitworth, Consultant Nephrologist, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
* involving patients in decisions at the front door * a personalised approach to care – how to achieve this
Understanding the 'human' factor
Dr Vicky Tallentire, Consultant Acute Physician, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh
* how our emotions impact decision-making * the role of behavioural science in healthcare * the association between clinician wellbeing, team performance and patient outcomes * CBM and evidence-based wellbeing
Coffee / tea
Session 2 - How do I manage...
Chair: Dr Claire Gordon, Consultant in Acute Medicine, NHS Lothian
Pyrexia of unknown origin
Dr Elham Khatamzas, Consultant in Infectious Diseases, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh
* structured approach * changing epidemiology * diagnostics and therapy in the era of realistic medicine and antimicrobial resistance
The acutely jaundiced patient
Dr Michael Williams, Consultant Gastroenterologist, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
* who to admit * investigations * most common causes * pitfalls
Professor Henry Watson, Professor of Haematology, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary
* problematic cases with direct oral anticoagulants * reversal agents * dosing in obesity and renal failure * when to use warfarin * alternatives to IV heparin
Session 3 - Risk and conflict
Chair: Dr Anna Rawe, Specialist Trainee, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary
Resolving conflict in healthcare
Dr Claire Macaulay, Mediator, Medical Mediation Foundation, Glasgow
* how can we avoid/manage conflict * how does perception of risk/benefit affect likelihood of conflict arising
Chair: Professor Derek Bell OBE, President, RCPE
The public understanding of risk
Dr Sander van der Linden, Assistant Professor in Social Psychology, University of Cambridge & Director, Cambridge Social Decision-Making Laboratory
* how do the public perceive risk in healthcare? * how can we explain it better?
Coffee / tea
Session 4 - What can I do better in my day job?
Chair: Dr Jonathan Whitfield, Consultant in Acute Medicine, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary
Acute kidney injury
Professor Neil Turner, Professor of Nephrology, University of Edinburgh
* acute kidney injury in acute receiving * guidance from the renal team * do acute kidney injury alerts work? * new treatments in renal disease and their role in acute receiving
Pulmonary emboli (PE)
Dr Jay Suntharalingam, Consultant in Respiratory and General Internal Medicine, Royal United Bath Hospital
* managing high risk PEs * patient follow-up and long-term consequences * what can I learn from the National Confidential Enquiry Into Patient Outcome and Death results?
The difference a plan can make - dying well in hospitals
Dr Juliet Spiller, Consultant in Palliative Medicine, Marie Curie Hospice, Edinburgh
* the role of emergency anticipatory care planning * ReSPECT (Recommended Plan for Emergency Care and Treatment) process * dying, uncertainty and what really matters * getting it right for patients and families
Friday 29 November 2019
Registration and Coffee
Session 1 - How I manage...
Chair: Dr Ben Dobb, Consultant in Acute Medicine, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary
Paracetamol overdose: new test, new thinking
Dr Emma Morrison, ST7 Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, NHS Lothian
* new test for paracetamol overdose * guidance on management * when to refer to liver unit
Skin failure
Dr Fiona Meredith, Consultant Dermatologist, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary
* skin failure causes, management and consequences
Oncology patients at the front door
Dr Melanie Mackean, Consultant Medical Oncologist, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh
* new biological therapies * managing toxicities * what do we need to know at the front door – especially if you are not in a main centre?
Coffee / tea
Session 2 - Threats and challenges
Chair: Dr Robert Laing, Consultant in Infectious Diseases, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary
How to prepare for the next pandemic
Professor Sir Michael Jacobs, Consultant in Infectious Diseases, Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust, London
* virus evolution * lessons from the past * future planning
Under pressure: managing the acute take during a major incident
Dr Philip Lee, Acute Physician and Geriatrician, Chelsea & Westminster Hospital, London
* how hospitals function under immense pressure * what should you do?
Lunch and RCPE Annual General Meeting (for RCPE Fellows and Members, 13.00-13.20 tbc)
Session 3 - Keeping up with the times
Chair: Dr Sarah Ross, Consultant Physician, Perth Royal Infirmary
Wearables in medicine
Dr Ali K Yetisen, Senior Lecturer, Imperial College London
* how can technology help us monitor patients diseases? * what is the future of chronic disease management
Exercise and health
Dr Gregor Smith, Deputy Chief Medical Officer for Scotland, Scottish Government
* what do we know about the activity of the nation? * can we prescribe exercise? * what should we be advising the public? * doctors as role models for activity
Coffee / tea
Session 4 - Am I doing it right?
Chair: Dr Joannis Vamvakopoulos, Consultant in Endocrinology & Internal Medicine, Russells Hall Hospital, Dudley
Dr Paul Broadhurst, Consultant Cardiologist, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary
* acute management of tachyarrhythmias – AF/flutter and pulsed ventricular tachycardia * stroke risk in flutter and fibrillation – are they the same or different?
The jugular venous pulse
Dr Andrew Flapan, Consultant Cardiologist, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
* what is it? * what can it tell us? * is it reliable?
Medically unexplained symptoms
Dr Wojtek Wojcik, Consultant Psychiatrist, Edinburgh
* common presenting symptoms * when do we stop investigating?* how do we explain it to the patient and prevent re-admission