Live Stream
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*Starts at 18:30. Please refer to your email for access information - do check which email you registered with, and your junk/spam folder if you can't find it.
Our only non-clinical EMU of this academic year will look at health economics, proxy decision-makers under Scots Law, and health promotion and illness prevention.
The Evening Medical Updates programme covers specialities, presentations and conditions included within the Internal Medicine Training (IMT) curriculum. Within these, we aim to cover topics from a range of clinical settings including the acute medical take, outpatients department, community care and critical care. The programme also includes a non-clinical update covering a range of topics.
Topics are covered in monthly updates between September and June of each academic year, and each session consists of three 30-minute presentations.
Although aimed primarily at medical trainees, Evening Medical Updates are open to all hospital doctors, GPs, other healthcare professionals, and medical students.
Delegates are able to submit questions via Slido and we will cover as many questions as possible during the live session, and any questions not answered will be done retrospectively and posted on our EMU pages.
Attendance options
The Evening Medical Update programme is available to view:
- Online from home, with on-demand access, or
- In-person from a participating live-link site (see live-link tab for a site close to you).
Registering to view online from home also allows you to catch-up at your convenience on-demand for up to 28 days following the original broadcast. Please note that talks will be available to view on-demand by the second working day after the live event. Delegates can continue to register for on-demand access only after the live event has taken place. Please note that access closes 28 days after the original broadcast, not after the point of booking.
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