Friday 18 September
Welcome and Introductory Remarks
by Professor Hany Eteiba, President, Scottish Cardiac Society
Session 1 - Scientific Abstracts 1 - Acute Coronary Syndromes
Chair: Dr Margaret McEntegart, Consultant Interventional Cardiologist, Golden Jubilee National Hospital, Clydebank
Duration of dual antiplatelet therapy in coronary heart disease: a 60,000-patient meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials
Anda Bularga, Mohammed Meah, Dimitrios Doudesis, Anoop SV Shah, Nicholas L Mills, Kuan Ken Lee, David E Newby
Post myocardial Infarction VSD closure; Experience from Edinburgh Royal Infirmary
Jack P.M. Andrews, David Northridge D, Miles W. H. Behan
Left ventricular end-diastolic pressure in acute myocardial infarction, association with infarct pathology, left ventricular function and health outcomes
Peter J. McCartney, Annette M. Maznyczka, Margaret McEntegart, Hany Eteiba, John P. Greenwood, Douglas F. Muir, Saqib Chowdhary, Anthony H. Gershlick, Clare Appleby, James M. Cotton, Andrew Wragg, Nick Curzen, Keith G. Oldroyd, Mitchell Lindsay, J. Paul Rocchiccioli, Aadil Shaukat, Richard Good, Stuart Watkins, Keith Robertson, Christopher Malkin, Damien Collison, Lynsey Gillespie, Lynn Martin, Thomas J. Ford, Mark C. Petrie, Robin A.P. Weir, Aengus Murphy, Colin J. Petrie, Ian Ford, Alex McConnachie, Colin Berry for the T-TIME group
Audit Measuring the Rate, Outcome and Contributing Factors Associated with Coronary Stent Thrombosis
Emily Ho, Angela Hoye
Session 2 - Scientific Abstracts 2: Cardiomyopathies
Chair: Dr Russell Everett, Cardiology Specialty Registrar, South East Scotland
18F-Fluoride PET/MR in cardiac amyloid; a comparison study with aortic stenosis and age and sex matched controls
Jack P. M. Andrews, Maria Giovanni Trivieri, Russell Everett, Nicholas Spath, Gillian MacNaught, Alastair J Moss, Mhairi K. Doris, Tania Pawade, Edwin J. R. van Beek, Christophe Lucatelli, David E. Newby, Philip Robson, Zahi A. Fayad and Marc R. Dweck
Clinical Presentation of Fabry Disease in West of Scotland
Wen Hui Teh, Sabrina Nordin, Gabriella Gazdag, Ruth McGowan, Caroline Coats
Diagnosis, investigation and management of cardiac amyloidosis in the West of Scotland
A Morgan, K Brennan, J Hunter, C Coats, J Simpson
Session 3 - Learning from Cases
Chair: Dr David Northridge, Consultant Cardiologist, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
Panel: Dr Vera Lennie, Consultant Cardiologist, NHS Ayrshire & Arran, Mrs Maggie Simpson, Senior Nurse Specialist, Golden Jubilee National Hospital, Clydebank, Dr Margaret McEntegart, Consultant Interventional Cardiologist, Golden Jubilee National Hospital, Clydebank, Mr Fraser Sutherland, Consultant Cardiac Surgeon, Golden Jubilee National Hospital, Clydebank
A challenging case of delayed presentation anterior STEMI which required contralateral imaging and fat injection for perforation.
Dr Qaiser Zeb, Ninewells Hospital, Dundee
Management of Type A aortic dissection in a 27-year-old pregnant female during the COVID-19 pandemic
Mr George Gradinariu, Cardiothoracic Surgery Trainee, Royal Hospital for Children, Glasgow
Scottish Cardiac Society Annual General Meeting (members only)
Session 4 - Scientific Abstracts 3: Cardiology and COVID
Chair: Professor Adrian Brady, Consultant Cardiologist, Glasgow Royal Infirmary
Where have all the heart attacks gone? Evaluation of the Impact of COVID-19 on patient numbers presenting with Acute Myocardial Infarction
Fiona MacIsaac, Brion McGowan
Global Evaluation of Echocardiography in Patients with COVID-19
Marc R. Dweck, Anda Bularga, Rebecca T. Hahn, Rong Bing, Kuan Ken Lee, Andrew R. Chapman, Audrey White, Giovanni Di Salvo, Leyla Elif Sade, Keith Pearce, David E. Newby, Bogdan A. Popescu, Erwan Donal, Bernard Cosyns, Thor Edvardsen, Nicholas L Mills, Kristina Haugaa
Ablations during lockdown: A Scotland-wide registry of cardiac electrophysiological procedures during the COVID-19 pandemic
Lau YC, Affolter J, Broadhurst P, Chong VH, Elder DH, Grubb NR, Lang CCE, Marshall GE, Padfield GJ, Robertson AJ, Stirrat CG, Wright GA, Connelly DT
How has COVID-19 affected chest pain presentations to secondary care? A single centre experience
Amy Ferry, Collette Keanie, Nick Mills, Martin Denvir, Fiona Strachan
Session 5 - Scientific Abstracts 4: Rehabilitation, Atrial Fibrillation and TAVI
Chair: Dr Alan Robertson, Consultant Cardiologist, NHS Tayside
Advanced Care Planning intervention trial in patients with heart disease: 6-year follow-up
S.Griffin, A.Anand, SA.Murray, K.Boyd, S.Robertson, S.Fenning, MA.Denvir
Pre-conception counselling in women of childbearing age with cardiovascular disease in the West of Scotland
J Osmanska, A Jackson, N Walker, C Adamson, D Doherty, H Mamet, L Moir, J Simpson, M Simpson
Exploring the associations between Atrial Fibrilation, Heart failure and cognitive abilities: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of the UK Biobank
Daniel Hunter, Jennifer K. Burton, Terry Quinn, Donald. M. Lyall
Socioeconomic deprivation and 1-year clinical outcomes after cryablation for atrial fibrillation – West of Scotland study
Cimpeanu O, Lau YC, Marshall GE, Padfield GJ, Wright GA, Connelly DT
18F-Sodium Fluoride PET/CT Detects Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation Degeneration (FAABULOUS 2)
Evangelos Tzolos, Jacek Kwiecinski, Timothy Cartlidge, Alexander Fletcher, Mhairi Doris, Jason M Tarkin, Piotr J Slomka, David E Newby, James HF Rudd, Daniel S Berman, Marc R Dweck
Session 6 - Keynote Guest Lecture
Introduced by: Professor Hany Eteiba, President, Scottish Cardiac Society
Role of diversity & inclusion in contemporary cardiovascular medicine
Dr Dipti Itchhaporia, MD, FACC, FAHA, FESC
Vice-President, American College of Cardiology
Eric & Sheila Samson Endowed Chair in Cardiovascular Health
Director of Disease Management, Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian,
Newport Beach, California
Associate Clinical Professor, University of California, Irvine
Abstract Prize Presentation
Professor Hany Eteiba, President, Scottish Cardiac Society
Close of meeting
Dr David Northridge, President Elect, Scottish Cardiac Society