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The next in the series of Professonalism in Medicine evening updates organised by the Recently Appointed Consultants' Committee.
The Challenges of a Consultant
Working as a doctor in today’s world is becoming increasingly more challenging. Patient expectations are increasing, particularly as health care information is widely available and development of new treatments. There is also more distrust of the medical profession and NHS. Challenging interactions with patients (and those who care for them) are more common and don’t necessarily fit into the communication skills we have been trained in. Our speaker will discuss ways to approach these challenging interactions and navigate difficult conversations.
Managing challenging interactions with colleagues is another skill that unfortunately is often only learned through experience. Being a more senior trainee, a new consultant or taking on a new role can lead to difficult interactions with colleagues. Our speaker will discuss the challenges faced when interactions with colleagues cause friction and how to move forward productively.
Finally we all realise that with increasing patient complexity, tight NHS budgets and low staff morale, the NHS is a difficult environment to work in. As new consultants coming into this environment in a leadership roles this can be particularly daunting. Our final speaker will discuss their advice for working, thriving and changing a challenging environment.
We hope you join us for a ‘challenging evening’ to discuss the difficult interactions we have with patients, colleagues and the environment we work in. Our speakers will give us the approaches and tools to make this easier.
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