Please note this event is taking place entirely online, and allows the opportunity for delegates to watch the presentations live, or at their convenience on demand following the original broadcast.
Day 1 - Thursday 25 May 2023
Welcome and introductory remarks
by Professor Sunil Bhandari, Vice President, Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
Session 1 - Acute Emergencies
Chair: Dr Kerri Baker, Dean of Education, RCPE
Sepsis: the hidden medical emergency
Dr David Barr, Infectious Diseases Clinician, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
* assessment * management * treatment
Interpreting anaemia in the acute medical unit
Dr Rachel Brown, Consultant Haematologist, Manchester Royal Infirmary
* Interpreting the full blood count * anaemia of chronic disease
Ten minute break: time to stretch and refresh!
Chair: Dr Kerri Baker, Dean of Education, RCPE
Managing acute kidney injury for the non-nephrologist
Dr Laura Clark, Consultant Nephrologist, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary
* what to do when it happens * when to refer to renal * how to avoid AKI * contrast media and drugs
Hypertensive emergencies
Dr Iain MacIntyre, Renal Physician & Clinical Pharmacologist, Royal Infirmary Edinburgh
* investigation * acute management * follow-up
Ten minute break: time to stretch and refresh!
Chair: Dr Clare Bostock, Consultant Geriatrician, NHS Grampian
Acute medical emergencies in pregnancy
Dr Elizabeth Routledge, Consultant Physician, Forth Valley
* headache * chest pain * breathlessness * seizure
Dr Sian Gilchrist, Consultant Gastroenterologist, NHS Fife
* managing the acute GI bleed * causes * drug treatment
Lunch break
Session 2 - Not to miss
Chair: Dr Andrew Storey, Consultant Acute Physician, Victoria Hospital Kirkcaldy
Red legs: when it is not cellulitis
Dr Jonny Guckian, Department of Dermatology, Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust
*skin conditions to recognise * when to call the dermatologist
Side effects of new anti-cancer drugs
Dr Philip Yan, Medical Oncology, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh
* common side effects of newer drugs *
Non-convulsive status
Dr Aravindhan Baheerathan, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
* making the diagnosis in acute admissions ward * Immediate and long term treatment
Twenty minute afternoon break: time to stretch and refresh!
Session 3 - Critically ill
Chair: Dr Andrew Pearson, Consultant, Medicine for the Elderly, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh
Therapeutic poisons and recreational highs: an update in clinical toxicology
Dr Euan Sandilands, Consultant in Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics, National Poisons Information Service, Edinburgh
* recognition * Initial assessment * when to monitor
Not for intensive care!
Dr Bryan Yates, Consultant in Respiratory Medicine and Critical Care, Northumbria NHS
* criteria for admission to ITU * Information the intensivist needs for referral * using inotropes outside the ITU
Advance emergency care planning for realistic resuscitation and improving care experience
Dr Juliet Spiller, Consultant in Palliative Medicine. Marie Curie Hospice, Edinburgh
* deciding on personalised recommendations * clinical care in future emergency
Summary and close
Dr Conor Maguire, Vice President, Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
Day 2 - Friday 26 May 2023
Welcome and introductory remarks
by Dr Conor Maguire, Vice President, Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
Session 4 - Acute Management
Chair: Dr Claire McKay, Consultant Physician, Geriatric Medicine, University Hospital Hairmyres
The acutely agitated patient in the MAU
Dr Wojtek Wojcik, Consultant Liaison Psychiatrist, NHS Lothian
* how to assess * manage
The emergency management of neutropenic sepsis
Dr Laith Tafesh, Haematology, Health Education England North East
* recognition * immediate management * treatment
Ten minute break: time to stretch and refresh!
Session 5 - Acute Management
Chair: Dr Colin Mitchell, Consultant in General and Geriatric Medicine, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
Acute, severe and life threatening asthma
Professor Tom Fardon, Consultant Chest Physician, Honorary Professor, University of Dundee
* immediate assessment *treatment *intensive care or ward
The unconscious patient: when to call the neurosurgeon?
Miss Julie Woodfield, Clinical Lecturer, University of Edinburgh
* subdural haemorrhage * extradural haemorrhage * midline shift
How to assess (acute) headache
Dr Neil Archibald, Consultant Neurologist, South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
* what the acute or general physician needs to know *
Ten minute break: time to stretch and refresh!
Session 6 - Diabetes
Chair: Dr Stuart Ritchie, Clinical Director, Edinburgh Centre for Endocrinology and Diabetes, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh
Panel Discussion on managing diabetes in the acute setting
Dr Nicola Zammitt, Consultant Physician and Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
1. Treating the highs in....
diabetic ketoacidosis, hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic state, atypical presentations hyperglycaemia without ketosis
Professor Ketan Dhatariya, Consultant Physician, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital
2. What's new in....
Type 2 diabetes (new therapeutic agents including euglycaemic ketoacidosis)
Type 1 diabetes (new technology)
Dr Catriona Kyle, Consultant Physician, Western General Hospital Edinburgh
3. Preventing the lows in.....
hospital treatment and prevention of hypoglycemia in hospital, glucose monitoring for inpatients, what makes a good discharge
Debbie Voigt, Diabetes Specialist Nurse, Ninewells Hospital, Dundee
Lunch break
Session 7 - Acute Management
Chair: Dr Wendy Russell, Consultant and Clinical Director Acute Medicine, University Hospital Crosshouse, Kilmarnock
Pulmonary embolism
Dr James Tiernan, Consultant Respiratory Physician, NHS Lothian
* detection * management * investigation * treatment * when to ambulate
Acute rheumatology presentations
Dr Stephen Boyle, Consultant Rheumatologist, NHS Lothian
* swollen joint * acute flares of inflammatory arthritis * gout * when to call the rheumatologist
Twenty minute afternoon break: time to stretch and refresh!
Session 8 - Cardiology
Chair: Dr Jane Wallace, Consultant, Northumbria Healthcare NHS Trust
Chest pain
Dr Anne Scott, Consultant Cardiologist, Forth Valley Hospital and Edinburgh Heart Centre
*assessment in the acute medical unit * NSTEMI v STEMI * treatment
Dr Honey Thomas, Consultant Cardiologist, Northumbria Healthcare NHS Trust
*assessment in the acute medical unit * causes * management and treatment
Dr Alison Lee, Cardiology Department, Northumbria Healthcare NHS
* assessment in the acute medical unit * causes * management and treatment
16.25 |
Joint question session on bradycardia and tachycardia
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